We strive to reach out and show support to important organizations around the world.
• Operation Christmas Child
Each year GC3 participates in Operation Christmas Child by collecting filled shoeboxes to be packed by Samaritan’s Purse into containers to be shipped around the world to those who are in need of hearing the Good News of the Gospel. This year we will collect all the boxes by November 11 to be taken to a central packing area in Frederick. In past years we have collected nearly 75 boxes for this project. We count this as a good teaching tool for our GC3 children.
“The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’ “ Matthew 25:40 NASB
• Myanmar — EBI (Eastern Bible Institute)
GC3 is active in funding beef and rice for students of EBI (Eastern Bible Institute) each month. Joshua Leme is the evangelist. We also provide additional funds toward the salary of Esther Leme Keller, who resides in the US and supports her father, Joshua in many areas of his ministry. Each quarter we forward a sum of money that we have tithed from our general offerings for additional support. As a body of believers we consider it of great importance to encourage the work of the missionary in his own country.
• The Haitian Coffee Guy // tonyjones.pathwaylife.com
Each Sunday as the GC3 family gathers for worship, coffee is available at our hospitality table to be enjoyed with the sweets & snacks that are provided. A receptacle is in place to receive donations for the coffee. All of these funds are forwarded to Tony Jones, the Coffee Guy, in Haiti. His mission is to help teach the mountain people of Haiti to be economically independent through raising coffee to sell. GC3 is so pleased to be able to provide support for these very poor people. We also strive to send them a quarterly donation from tithing our general offering.